포텐간 "미시간 호수 밑에서 발견된 약 10,000년전 유적"은 포도
페이지 정보
247 2019.06.03 18:16
Short URL : http://gbtk.com/bbs/?t=4S 주소복사
에서 발췌
This image is really a muddle of many different things! The "stonehenge" is a circle of stones in pretty shallow water in Lake Michigan, I've seen a sonar image of them, but there wasn't a scale so I couldn't determine the size (not sure if that is the same place in the photo above either). The site definitely warrants a detailed investigation, hard to say much about it without its location on the prehistoric landscape, a reconstruction of water levels, scaled photographs, etc. Our structures in Lake Huron are 9,000 years old from numerous radiocarbon dates, and the "across Lake Huron to Canada" refers to our research as well. We have stone drive lanes and the hunting blinds, and there are mounds in Michigan from more recent time periods. I've only seen one image of the rock art - and it has the red line drawing of a mammoth over it so its hard to tell. As you know rock art is difficult to date, but none of these things are beyond investigation - they just need sustained and peer reviewed research.
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발견한 고고학자 분이 글을 남겼는데
"It should be clearly understood that this is not a megalith site like Stonehenge. This label has been placed on the site by individuals in the press who may have been attempting to generate sensation about the story and have not visited the site. The site in Grand Traverse Bay is best described as a long line of stones which is over a mile in length."
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